Why not join one of our trained staff for a reading, you never know what the cards hold for you, or which spirits maybe trying to talk to you, reading can be booked via our Facebook page, or by calling into the store at This Witchy Needs. A deposit of £5 is required at time of booking. Don't forget if your out and about in Longton, why not just nip in for a walk in reading?,
Tarot Reading, these can last from 30 minuets to an hour, and are carried out by trained staff, with years of experience in the industry.
A 15 minuet reading using Oracle cards, these are direct question readings aimed at guiding you with that tricky question.
Medium Reading, these can last up to an hour, please remember, spirits can be busy so may not pop in to say hello. Our readers will always do their best to make contact with a loved one.
A mix of both Tarot and Mediumship, this is the all for one, guidance as you need it, with some support from the other side.
This is the reading of items, to try and connect with the energies and spirits linked to them.
Holistic Therapies are an approach to health care that considers the whole person, including mind, spirit, and body. These treatments aim to address root causes rather than just symptoms. They can include a variety of practices, from traditional medicine to alternative remedies.
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The Broken Path is a member of the CMA - All staff are trained and fully insured
Copyright © 2024 The Broken Path - Holistic Therapy Centre - All Rights Reserved.
Don't forget to visit our online store, for all your Witchy and Pagan needs, and supplies.